WEEKLY UPDATE-The Shell Faucet Audubon serves the Mars Corridor Project

03/07/2022 Admin


Shell has signed a three-year contract with Audubon Engineering to provide brownfield engineering and procurement services for its Mars Corridor project.


The contract was awarded by ShellOffshore, a subsidiary of shell.Audubon said the deal includes two one-year extension options covering some of Shell's offshore assets in the US Gulf of Mexico, including the Mars, Olympus, Ursa and Vito tension leg platforms.The depth of the deepwater assembly is approximately 3,000 to 4,000 feet.


The contract covers upper platform engineering and procurement services, including single well subsea tie-back;Cranes, lifeboats and HVAC replacements;Control, fire protection systems and utility upgrades;Gas lift device;And prefabricated non-slip bags.


Audubon operations centers in New Orleans, La., and Houston, LA., will perform the contract.The agreement continues Shell's successful track record of providing integrated engineering and technical services to Shell."We are pleased that Shell has chosen Audubon as a contractor for these assets.We are committed to driving value and efficiency for Shell and further enhancing and expanding the productivity of its Mars Corridor assets."Audubon is proud of our accomplishments in the GOM region, and this contract further cements the growth and continued delivery of our business in the region," said RyanHanemann, president of Audubon engineering.Shell previously signed a three-year engineering and procurement services agreement with Australian engineering company Worley, including five assets in the US Gulf of Mexico, to provide expertise in digital implementation, engineering, procurement and support manufacturing and construction.

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